I should be posting something about my trip to Mexico but I decided to post my comments on the Snow Patrol show last night instead.
Despite having to wait an extra 1.5 hours to get in it was an excellent show. There was a power outage that went until 5pm so there almost wasn't a show at all!
Silver Sun Pickups played first and they are pretty decent band - the lead singer screams at bit too often for my taste but I like their sound. Their last song with the OK Go drummer and Paulo from Snow Patrol was really cool.
Ok Go was a bit of sensory overload due to the video being constantly played on the screen behind them. Some of the video was irritating but some of it was really cool and I was often watching the video more than listening. The slow-mo clip of a some girls getting doused in water was the highlight for me. The slash of water was slowed way down and the water almost seemed separated from the image of the girls, but from the expression on the girls' faces you knew the water was going to hit them!
Snow Patrol was AMAZING! Their sound was great live and really deserved to be in a bigger space. MacEwan Hall was fine but SP really make the space feel too small. They have huge, soaring music that belongs in an arena or a stadium - hopefully someday they will be playing those venues in Canada. I'm sure they have gotten to do that in the UK. It's hard to pick out a favourite song but two that come to mind are Set the Fire to the Third Bar with Nicki from Silver Sun Pickups singing Martha Wainwright's part and Open Your Eyes in the encore. I was really looking forward to hearing Chasing Cars and it was good but I was happy that some of the less popular songs were really spectacular.
My ears hurt and my legs are sore from standing for 5 hours but it was all worth it!